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In recent engineering applications, lightweight aluminium composites are becoming more popular as an alternative for ferrousmetals. The high cost of component manufacture has kept particulate metal matrix composites from being widely used inengineering applications. The goal of this research is to characterize stir cast Al-7075/B4C/Si3N4 reinforced hybrid composites. Hard ceramic reinforcements increase the microstructure, mechanical, and wear qualities of the material. B4C and ZrB2particles were incorporated into the Al matrix at different weight percents, such as 2, 4, 6, and 8. The microstructure, andproperties of mechanical as well as wear of ZrB2 and B4C particle composition were examined. In addition, SEM and XRDwere used to investigate the castings' morphology. As a result, hardness and strength rise as the amount of B4C-ZrB2 in thecomposite increases. The Al7075 + 8% B4C + 1% ZrB2 composite outperform all the considered composition. Furthermore,with increasing sliding distances, the specific wear rate increases and the coefficient of friction decreases. Because of itsoutstanding mechanical and wear properties, the hybrid Al7075-B4C-ZrB2 material is the excellent choice of upper wingrequirements.