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This study examined which emotions are expressed in facial expressions by analyzing facial expressions that appear when YouTubers consume food through mukbang videos using the FaceReader program. In this study, after collecting 30 hamburger mukbang videos provided on YouTube, the changes in emotions in facial expressions were analyzed using Noldus' FaceReader program. The emotions shown in the YouTubers facial expression, analyzed by FaceReader for the facial expression when eating hamburgers showed the highest intensity of neutral emotion (0.354) and sad emotion (0.261). The effect of the YouTubers gender on the emotions in the facial expression was that angry emotions showed significant differences according to gender, and men (0.05) were higher than women (0.02). As for the effect of the YouTubers number of subscribers and video views on the YouTubers facial expressions, neutral emotion (p<0.05) shows a significant difference in the facial expressions of YouTubers with few subscribers. And emotions expressed by the YouTubers facial expressions according to the number of views of the video showed a significant difference between happy emotion (p<0.01) and surprised emotion (p<0.05). These results showed the need for a healthy eating culture to prevent obesity and poor eating habits of YouTubers and viewers from eating by presenting facial expressions that can be expressed unconsciously for high-calorie and low-nutrient foods.