초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Local festivals can enhance the image of the region, revitalise the local economy by selling local specialities, etc. local economy by selling local specialities, etc. . In order to achieve these effects, local governments are making great efforts to find their own identity by organising local festivals. In order to achieve these effects, local governments are making great efforts to find their own identity by organising local festivals. Many efforts are being made to ensure the sustainability of the region and to revitalise the local economy through the festival. Local festivals. This paper investigates and analyses the concepts of regional extinction and marine tourism based on theories to find out how to revitalise marine tourism resources and marine tourism to prevent regional extinction. In addition, to complete this study, the elements of marine festivals were presented based on the basic elements of festivals, and the direction of marine festivals to prevent regional extinction was suggested. In this study, we propose six main categories of maritime festivals. First, a proposal for content Secondly, we need a plan for the operation of the festival. Thirdly, we need a plan for the organisation that will run the festival. Fourthly, the main purpose of the festival is to support the livelihoods of fishing communities and to create sustainable fishing communities. and sustainable fishing communities and prevent the disappearance of fishing villages. Fifth, for a sustainable maritime festival, we need to ensure that the festival is run in a systematic way. systematic operation of the festival. Sixthly, the Ocean Festival is a celebration of the great outdoors and the human livelihoods that depend on it. content.