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The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of domestic and foreign affiliated brands on the relationship between brand value, service quality to pay a premium price intention of five-star hotels. The survey of this study was conducted from July 14 to August 31, 2023 in five-star hotels in Seoul, Jeju and Busan. The results of this study are as follows: First, In the difference between domestic and foreign affiliated brand values, both groups were commonly found in the order of Reliability value, inteneral value, external value and use value. Second, the service quality of five-star hotels differs between domestic brands and foreign affiliated brands, and it was found that domestic brand five-star hotels have high service quality. Third, in the moderating effect between the brand value of five-star hotels and service quality, external value domestic and foreign brands showed a significant effect at ***p<.001 and internal value domestic and foreign affiliated brands and Reliability value domestic and foreign brands showed a significant effect at *p<.05. Fourth, in the relationship between brand value of five-star hotels to pay a premium price intention, external value, internal value, and Reliability ***p<.001 had an effect and use value had a significant effect on *p<.-05. The implications of this study are that five star hotels are affected by the physical environment or products and services suitable for five star hotels, the best facilities and services must be provided to maintain the reputation of five star hotels.