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조선시대는 儒學을 ‘正學’이라고 하고, 이외의 학문을 ‘邪學’이라고 했다. 정조 8년에 李承薰이 중국에서 세례를 받고 많은 양의 西學 서적과 물품을 들여왔다. 그리고 정조 15년 ‘尹持忠ㆍ權尙然 사건’이 일어나자, 국가에서는 ‘邪學’을 경계하며 禁令을 내렸다. 이 사건 이후, 이가환ㆍ정약용ㆍ이승훈 등은 마음을 바꾸었다고 한다[革心]. 그런데 정조 19년 주문모 신부가 국내에 들어와 선교를 했다. 포도청에서 검거에 실패하는 사건이 일어났다(‘乙卯失捕事件’). 이 사건으로 남인 채제공 계열의 이가환 등은 攻西派에게 信西派라는 정치적 논척을 당했다. 正祖 사후, 1801년(순조 1) ‘辛酉獄事’ 중 이가환 등의 추국은 사헌부의 臺啓로 인해 시작되었다. ‘邪學’ 관련 추국은 妖書와 妖言을 전하여 많은 사람들을 현혹시킨 죄에 대해서 자백[=遲晩]을 받고, 판결문[=結案]에 따라 형이 집행되었다[=正法]. 1801년(순조 1) ‘신유옥사’ 중 이가환 등의 추국 시작은 ‘邪學’과 관련해서 남인 내 채제공 계열과 신서파 세력, 신진세력에 대한 심문으로부터 외척 洪樂任과의 연합 여부에 대한 심문으로 변화했고, 주문모 신부 자수로 宗親 세력과 노ㆍ소론, 소북인 내 ‘時派’ 세력에 대한 추국으로 변화하는 양상을 확인할 수 있다.

During the Joseon dynasty, Confucianism was considered as ‘Jeonghak(正學, Legitimate Studies),’ while others were deemed evil or false(‘Sahak, 邪學’). Then in the 8th year of King Jeongjo(正祖)’s reign, Yi Seung-hun(李承薰) was baptized in China, and brought a considerable amount of ‘Seohak(西學, Western Studies)’ books and items to Joseon upon his return. Seven years later, in King Jeongjo’s 15th year, the “Yun Ji-chung(尹持忠)-Gweon Sang-yeon(權尙然) Incident” occurred, prompting the Joseon government to issue a ban on false Western studies and activities, in fear of their further spreading. After this incident, Yi Ga-hwan, Jeong Yag-yong and Yi Seung-hun are known to have changed their minds[“Hyeokshim, 革心”]. Then, in Jeongjo’s 19th year, Priest Ju Munmo(周文謨) came to Joseon and began his missionary works. The Podo-cheong office of Joseon failed to apprehend him, in a fiasco known as the “Eulmyo-year failure to capture(乙卯失捕事件).” With this incident, Yi Ga-hwan, who had been aligned with the Chae Je-gong line of the Southerner party, was politically attacked by officials who were allegedly “Against the West(Gongseo-pa, 攻西派),” and was accused to be one “With the West(Shinseo-pa, 信西派).” After King Jeongjo died, the Shin’yu-year Purge(‘辛酉獄事’) broke out in 1801(1st year of King Sunjo’s reign). The Saheon-bu(司憲府) office had called for[臺啓] the prosecution of Yi Ga-hwan, and interrogation began. Ordinarily interrogations involving ‘False studies(邪學)’ would seek confessions from potential offenders for their crimes of spreading wicked or vicious remarks(妖言) or written accusations(妖書) to mislead or delude people, and judge them accordingly, to have them punished by law. Yet during the Shin’yu-year Purge, nature of the Yi Ga-hwan interrogation shifted, as while it began as an interrogation of the Shinseo-pa faction and the Chae Je-gong line within the Southerner party, it turned into an investigation of whether or not he had allied with Hong Nag-im(洪樂任), an in-law member of the royal family, and after Priest Ju Munmo gave himself up, the interrogation yet again turned into an attack on members of the royal family(宗親), as well as the Shipa(時派) faction within the Noron, Soron, So-Bug’in parties.