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본 연구는 은상시대 갑골문과 춘추전국시대의 금문, 동한시대《說文解字》에서 나타난 원시 고대 중국인의 의사와 의료에 대한 문자를 추려 그와 연관된 고대 문헌을 참고하여 당시 의료를 시행하는 주체자, 의료방법 등을 문자를 통해 탐구해보았다. 갑골문과 설문해자 속에서 나타난 원시 고대 중국의 의료주체자는 ‘巫師’이다. 당시 ‘巫師’는 정치, 문화, 주술, 기우제를 주관하는 자로 상당한 영력과 지위, 문화적 소양을 겸비한 자였다. 문자에서 나타난 고대 의료기술은 祝由術, 砭石, 針法, 按摩, 灸法, 藥物등의 방법으로 환자를 치료하였다. 축유술은 갑골문 ‘祝’자와 ‘兌’자,《說文解字》에서 ‘禦’. ‘呪’자. 砭石치료법에는 ‘砭’자, 針法은 ‘殷’자, ‘’자, ‘鍼’자, ‘’자. 按摩치료법으로 ‘尉’자, 灸法은 ‘灸’자, ‘灼’자, ‘艾’자. 藥物치료법은 ‘毒’자, ‘藥’자, ‘樂’자, ‘’ 자에서 고대 중국인들의 각종 치료법과 약물 치료에 대한 흔적을 문자와 문헌을 통해 원시 고대 중국인의 치료법에 관하여 알아보고자 한다.

This study examined the subjects and medical methods of medical treatment at the time by referring to the ancient literature related to ancient Chinese doctors and medical care in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, Epigraphy of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and 《Shuowen Jiezi》 of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The medical subjects of primitive ancient China that appear in oracle bone inscriptions and 《Shuowen Jiezi》 are shamans。 At that time, the shamans were people in charge of politics, culture, sorcery, and rain calling ceremonies. They were individuals with considerable spirituality, status, and cultural literacy. The ancient medical techniques that emerged from the text included the witched-doctors treating diseases by prayers, stone needles used in acupuncture, massage, moxibustion therapy, and medication to treat patients。 In oracle bone inscriptions, the characters used to represent the witched-doctors treating diseases by prayers are " 祝 " and " 兌 ", while in《ShuowenJiezi》, the characters used to represent witched-doctors treating diseases by prayers are " 禦 " and "呪 ". The character " 砭 " represents the " stone needle treatment method". The characters used to represent acupuncture therapy are “殷”, “”, “鍼 , and “ ”. The characters for massage therapy is “尉”. The characters used to represent moxibustion are "灸", " 灼 ", and " 艾 ". The words for drug therapy are "毒", "藥", "樂", and . Through the analysis of the above texts and ancient literature, we will examine the traces of various treatments and pharmacological methods used by primitive Chinese ancient people.