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This study investigates recognition, preference, and using behavior of consumers in dessert cafe. The collected data consisted of 417 sheets, and the frequency and percentage standard deviation were calculated using SPSS PASW 21.0. Chi-squared test, independent sample t-test, regression analysis were performed. The results of this study are as follows. In the difference verification on the recognition of dessert cafe, ‘the characteristics recognition degree of dessert cafe’ and ‘preference’ were higher in females than in males(p<.001). In the considerations in choosing a dessert cafe, ‘taste and menu’ is the highest in both genders(p<.001). In the results of difference verification on use patterns, the average number of visits per month was ‘2∼4’ was the highest in both genders(p<.01). In the correlation analysis results among recognition, preference and major variables about dessert cafe, the recognition and preference of dessert cafe had significant correlation with major variables. The correlation coefficient with preference was overall bigger than recognition, and the correlation between preference of dessert cafe was the highest (r=0.502). When the correlation analysis with recognition, preference and major variables of dessert cafe comprehensively reviewed, the demographic variables have a significant effect on major variables, and recognition and preference have a significant correlation as well.