초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study sought to examine the current curriculum of translation and interpretation in majors of Korean language at Myanmar Universities and find educational implications through learner surveys and interviews with instructors when the demand for translation and interpretation education is increasing. As a result of survey, students’ satisfaction with the class was above average. Students cited their need for Korean proficiency and background knowledge of Korean as significant difficulties in taking classes. In addition, there was a high demand to increase the opportunity to practice actual translation and interpretation in class. In addition, many students responded that they wanted to practice interpretation and translation in various fields they were interested in. Faculty interviews found that classes were mainly conducted in the direction of Korean-Myanmar in consideration of the faculty group and the class's difficulty. There was a demand from the faculty to learn more about methods and theories of translation and interpretation. Moreover, it was found that the composition of classes through various topics was necessary, and appropriate textbooks were needed for interpretation and translation education. In addition, as the number of students increases in the future, it was found that securing faculty with educational experience is absolutely necessary.