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SiC-B4C composite powders were synthesized by the carbothermal reduction method under an argon atmosphere usingdifferent kinds of carbon sources (carbon black and starch) and silica sol and boric acid as the precursor raw materials. Basedon thermodynamic analysis and calculation, the effects of different carbon sources and reaction temperatures on the mass lossrate, phase composition, and microstructure of SiC-B4C ultrafine composite powders were comparatively studied. Resultsshowed that the optimum conditions for synthesizing SiC-B4C composite powders with carbon black as the carbon source were1550 ºC for 2 h, whereas the optimum conditions for synthesizing SiC-B4C composite powders with starch as the carbon sourcewere 1450 ºC-1550 ºC for 2 h. The powder samples synthesized with carbon black as the carbon source at 1550 ºC were mainlycomposed of flaky, columnar-like, spherical, and irregular polyhedral particles (about 100-200 nm in diameter). Mutualcohesion or agglomeration between particles was minimal. In the powder samples synthesized at 1550 ºC with an excess of 10wt% starch, in addition to a certain amount of flaky, spherical, and other irregular structure particles, a certain amount ofuniform, slender whiskers (about 50-100 nm in diameter) and a certain phenomenon of lap and winding between the whiskerswere noted. The powder samples synthesized at 1550 ºC with an excess of 20 wt% starch had no whisker-like substance.