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As the need for non-face-to-face services has increased due to the recent COVID-19 epidemic, food service companies are increasingly adopting kiosks to reduce costs. In this study, 203 questionnaire samples of 4-year university students in Busan were analyzed for demographic characteristics, reliability and validity of respondents using SPSS (V23.0) and AMOS 21.0 programs. As a result of testing the hypotheses, the sub-factors of the integrated technology acceptance theory were performance expectations (β=0.454, p<0.001), effort expectations (β=0.258, p<0.01), and social influence (β=0.408, p<0.001). The effect relationship on the value was confirmed. In order to test the moderating effect of frequency of use, it was confirmed that there was a difference only in emotional value → intention to continue using (Δχ2=5.627) as a result of conducting a χ2 difference test by dividing into the main high group and low group. As for the implications of the study, it was analyzed that performance expectations (β=0.454), social influence (β=0.408), and effort expectations (β=0.258) had an effect on emotional value in the order. This can be said to be the result of a well-reflected consumer demand for convenient kiosk use.