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아베정권은 코로나19 대책으로 봉쇄, 클러스터 대책, 긴급사태선언으로 사회적거리두기 등을 실시했다. 충분한 바이러스 검사를 하지 않았던 아베정권은 7월 들어바이러스 검사 확대로 대책을 변경했지만 전문 의료진들 사이의 이견으로 검사는제대로 실시되지 못한 상황이다. 아베정권은 5월25일 긴급사태선언을 해제해 경제활동을 단계적으로 허용했다. 감염이 다시 확대되었지만 중증환자가 많지 않기 때문에아베정권은 경제활동 범위를 확대해 나갈 방침이다. 여행이나 음식점에서의 소비를촉진하기 위해 정부는 도쿄를 제외하여 전국적으로 ‘GO TO 캠페인’을 시작했다. 아베총리는 각종 스캔들에 대한 대처를 최우선으로 생각했기 때문에 코로나19 대책에는 미흡했고 지지율이 계속 하락하고 있다. 눈에 보이지 않는 코로나19라는 복병을맞이해 방어와 공격 면에서 미흡한 아베정권이 2020년 내에 중의원 해산과 총선거를실시하는가에 관심이 모아지고 있다.

The Abe administration has been carrying out the Entry restrictions policy, the Cluster policy, and the Social distancing policy with the declaration of emergency as a countermeasure against the new Corona virus (COVID-19). The Abe administration, which had not conducted sufficient virus tests, changed its policy in July to expand the virus tests. The Abe administration declared the Emergency Declaration on April 7 and requested people to stay at their own homes as long as possible. The Emergency Declaration had a certain effect so the Abe administration unlocked it on May 25 and allowed people various economic activities. Since then, the infection has expanded again, but there are not many serious patients, so the Abe administration plans to gradually expand the scope of its economic activities. To promote consumption in travels and restaurants, the Abe administration has launched a nationwide ‘GO TO campaign’, excluding Tokyo. The prime minister Abe repeatedly failed to deal with the new Corona virus because he considered his several scandals as top priorities. That is why the opinion polls show the approval ratings for Abe's cabinet continues to fall. Against the invisible enemy, the new Corona virus, the Abe administration has failed in terms of defense and attack. Therefore, rumors have begun to come out that the Abe administration would dissolve the House of Representatives and conduct a general election in 2020.