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This paper aims to analyze the policies made by the United States as a response to the declining democratic values in Myanmar, using qualitative methods and International Sanction as the conceptual framework. As the leading country in democracy, the United States has made its business to aid Myanmar on its road to democracy. Sanctions were lifted, and cooperation was made between both nations up until the 2021 coup d’état. The coup d’état staged by the military junta that began on 1 February 2021 gave a severe blow to Myanmar and its democratic values. The country was beginning to uphold democracy and improve its relationship with Washington. However, the current coup d’état has setback years of progress as the military junta took control and declared a state of emergency. This issue caught the attention of many countries, including the United States. This paper suggests that Washington is now bringing back sanctions, freezing assets, and condemning the military junta’s actions to show its stance. They have also redirected assistance that would benefit the military to support private sectors to limit the military’s resources. Unfortunately, Washington’s responses have not significantly impacted the ongoing conflict.