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The present study explores the effect of affective traits on English achievement and the mediating effect of academic self-efficiency. Participants were 10,653 3rd grade of Junior High school students and 10,526 2nd grade of High School students who took 2020 National Assessment of Education Achievement in Korea. The independent variable was affective traits of English subject consisted of sub-variables such as ‘Confidence’, ‘Value’, ‘Interest’, and ‘Learning Motivation’ and the data were gathered from the students’ survey. The dependent variable was the raw score of English achievement test and the mediating variable was academic self-efficacy, which was gathered from the students’ survey. According to the three-step procedure suggested by Baron & Kenny (1986), the mediating effect of the parameters between the independent and dependent variables was analyzed. As a result of analyzing the data, four sub variables had a positive effect on English academic achievement at a significant level and the academic self-efficacy had a partial mediating effect for both middle and high school students. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that Confidence, Value, Interest, and Learning Motivation explained 17% ~28% of the prediction to the English academic achievement.