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이 글은 한국 근현대사에서 교육구국운동에 나선 인물들 중 대표적 여 성 작가이자 자선가, 교육 실천가인 최송설당(崔松雪堂, 1855∼1939)의 생애와 실천을 살펴 교육적 의미를 찾아본 것이다. 그는 일찍이 나라를 구하고 강해지는 길은 교육임을 직시하였고 일제의 갖은 압박 속에서도 김천에 인문계 중등학교를 설립하였다. 또한 자신의 경험을 가사로 표현 하여 당시 나라의 상황을 기록하였고 교육을 통한 국권 회복에 큰 힘을 보탠 교육 실천가였다. 그는 처한 상황에 대한 굴복보다 지금, 현재할 수 있는 것을 찾아 행동한 긍정심리의 예방모델도 관찰할 수 있는 인물이었 다. 이러한 점에서 최송설당은 교육운동사는 물론 근대여성사, 자기개발 및 인성교육 면에서도 의미와 가치를 찾을 수 있었다.

This article examines the life and practice of Choi Songseoldang (崔松雪堂, 1855-1939), a representative female writer, philanthropist, and educational practitioner among the figures who participated in the educational salvation movement in modern and contemporary Korean history. Early on, he faced up to the fact that education was the way to save the country and strengthen it, and he established a humanities secondary school in Gimcheon under various pressures from the Japanese colonial rule. She was also an educational practitioner who wrote down the situations by expressing her experience in lyrics and contributed greatly to the establishment of national sovereignty through education. She was also a person who could observe a preventive model of positive psychology that acted in search of what he could do now and now rather than giving in to the situation he was in. In this regard, Choi Songseoldang was able to find meanings and values not only in education history but also in modern women's history, self-development, and personality education.