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This study sought to determine the factors that servicescape and the impact on consumer happiness and re-purchase intention have in the People’s Republic of China. As efforts to encourage re-purchase of cruise products are intensifying the competition among cruise companies in China, this study was concerned with developing a model of the processes linking consumer happiness, as an essential element for the improvement of re-purchase intention caused by servicescape. To test this model, data from a sample of 315 cruise consumers from China was used for the analyses. The servicescape is conceptualized to consist of the three basic components of the physical environment; namely ambient, design, and social factors. The findings of the study are as follows: First, ambient factors had significant influence on consumer happiness. Second, design factors did not have significant influence on consumer happiness. Third, social factors had significant influence on consumer happiness. Fourth, consumer happiness had significant influence on re-purchase intention. Implications of the empirical results and limitations of the study are also discussed.