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The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic impact of the 2019 Geumsan Insam Festival using regional input-out model. To achieve this objective this study integrated the regional input-output (I-O) tables of Chungnaminto 29x29 sectors in which tourism industry was classified as five sectors. This study also conducted an onsite survey to estimate expenditures of visitors to attend the festival. The results of survey reveal that per capita expenditure to the festival was estimated to be 115,598 Korean Won (KRW) in which shopping was the largest item representing 42.8% of all expenditures followed by food & beverage (26,820 KRW, 23.2%). Total expenditures were estimated by multiplying per capital expenditure by total visitors to the festival which were 114,095 million KRW. The results of the I-O analysis show that total expenditures of visitors to the Geumsan Insam Festival generated 197,421 million KRW of output impact, 38,202 million KRW of income impact, 92,613 million KRW of value added impact, and 2,935 jobs of employment impact. In particular, this study estimated net impacts on the festival region excluding leakage outside other regions, which were 137,977 million KRW of output impact, 29,514 million KRWof income impact, 70,042 million KRWof value added impact, and 2,439 jobs of employment impact. Implications were given in conclusion section.