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일제시기 밀항은 단순히 개인적 일탈에 의한 불법 행위가 아니었다. 일제의 식민 지배로 야기된 사회 현상이었고 큰 사건이었다. 본 논문은 일제시기 밀항자의 증감 원인과 밀항자의 전체 규모, 밀항의 여러 방법과 밀항자의 도착지등에 대해 세밀하게 살펴보았다. 그 결과 밀항자의 증감에는 일제의 도항 규제뿐만 아니라 가뭄과 홍수로 인한 자연재해 또한 중요 원인으로 작용하였음을 알 수 있다. 아울러 1940년 이후에는 일제의 강제 동원을 이용한 밀항이 증가하고 있었음을 확인했다. 밀항자 규모와 관련해서는 1930년대 중반 무렵 재일조선인 중 최소 3%~8% 정도가 밀항자였다는 추론을 제시했다. 한편 밀항의 여러 방법 중 밀항브로커 알선에 의한 발동선 밀항이 1939년까지 1위를 차지했고, 1940년 이후에는 증명서(도항증·일시귀선증명서) 위조에 의한 밀항이 1위였음을 알 수 있었다. 발동선을 이용한 밀항이 1940년 이후 2위로 밀려난 데는 세 가지 원인이 있었다. 일제가 1940년 5월 도령(道令)을 제정하여 밀항을 강력하게 단속한 점, 밀항자들이 강제 동원을 이용하는 쪽으로 선회한 점, 전시통제로 인해 석유에 대한 연료난이 발생하면서 발동선 운항이 어려워졌다는 점 때문이었다. 증명서 위조에 의한 밀항 역시 재일조선인이 증가함에 따라 도항증보다는 일시귀선증명서 위조가 늘어나는 경향을 확인할 수있었다. 밀항선 도착지는 한반도와 지리적으로 가까운 일본 서부의 4개 현(福岡·山 口·長崎·佐賀)에 86% 이상 집중되어 있었다. 이들 4개 현 중에서 단연 1위는 야마구치현이었고 2위~3위를 차지한 곳은 나가사키현이었다. 그런데 밀항선의 나가사키현 도착의 실상을 보면 절대적 다수는 쓰시마 도착이었다. 이처럼 쓰시마에 밀항자들이 많이 도착한 것은 밀항자들이 중간 기착지로써 쓰시마를 이용하고 있었기 때문이다.

During the Japanese colonial period, the migration of Koreans to Japan proceeded under the name of Dohang. However, the Japanese imperialists controlled the Dohang(渡航, legal voyage) of Koreans depending on their political and economic conditions. As a result, many Koreans who were prevented from traveling by the Japanese colonial rule chose to stowaway. As for Dohang, several discussions have been held in relation to the issue of Korean residents in Japan for a long time. However, research on stowaways(密航, illegal passage), which played a certain role in the migration of Koreans to Japan along with Dohang, is far from sufficient. As long as the number of farmers collapsing in rural areas due to Japanese colonial rule grew, the number of travelers and stowaways was bound to increase. Therefore, stowaway during the Japanese colonial period was simply not an illegal act simply by personal deviation. It was an important phenomenon and a big event derived from social structural problems of colonial socity. By analyzing the stowaway in detail during the Japanese colonial period, this paper examined the cause of the increase or decrease of smugglers by period, the total size of smugglers during the Japanese colonial period, various methods of smuggling, and the destination of smugglers. As a result, the research revealed that the increase and decrease of stowaways not only depend on Japanese imperialism but also on natural disasters caused by drought and flooding. Alos, the study confirmed that after 1940, the number of stowaways who took advantage of the forced mobilization of Japanese imperialism increased. the stowaways during the Japanese colonial period, were estimated that about 3% to 8% of Koreans living in Japan around the mid-1930s. Regarding the stowaway method, stowaway by the stowaway aboard small engine boats broker was the first choice until 1939, but after 1940, stowaway by fake certificates took priority. there were two reasons why stowaway fell to second place after 1940. One was that the Japanese Empire enacted the Doryeong(道令) in May 1940 and strongly cracked down on stowaway. The other was that stowaways turned to stowaways using forced mobilization, and the wartime control economy also caused the engine ship to face a oil shortage. The destination of the stowaway ships were 86% to 96% concentrated in four prefectures in western Japan, geographically close to the Korean Peninsula. Among these four prefectures, Yamaguchi Prefecture ranked first, and Nagasaki Prefecture ranked second to third. Especially 76%-82% stowaways arrived at Tsushima, Nagasaki. The reason why the majority of stowaways arrived at Tsushima was that they were using Tsushima as an intermediate stopover.