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This thesis started with the purpose of clarifying that the plan for colonial invasion of Joseon language textbooks during the Japanese colonial period was not made along with the forced annexation, but was made in earnest during the era of tyrannical encroachment during the residency period. For this purpose, in this study, by referring to previous studies, the distribution of the contents (topic) and type of 『BOTHONGHAKGYO HAKDOYOUNG GUKEODOKBON』 compiled by the Department of Residency-General was investigated, and the Korean National Education, one of the patriotic enlightenment organizations at that time, was investigated. A method of comparison with 『CHODEUNG SOHAK』 compiled by the society was used. In addition, in this study, in order to investigate the development process of colonial invasion of textbooks, the process of change in the content and type of texts in the corrected version of 『JOSEONEO DOKBON』 immediately after the forced merger and the 『BOTHONGHAKGYO HAKDOYOUNG JOSEONEO GEUP HANMUNDOKBON』 compiled in the 1st Joseon Education Ordinance focused on the analysis of As a result, in this study, it was confirmed that the undergraduate textbooks had a great influence on the self-corrected edition and the Joseon-language Chinese-language reading, and the influence developed in the direction of elaborating the colonial invasion of textbooks. In this respect, this study is expected to be the basis for systematizing the nature and progress of the Japanese textbook invasion.