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본 논문은 UNCACK 활동의 성과와 원조를 둘러싼 한미 간 마찰을 1차 자료를통해 분석한다. UNCACK는 6.25전쟁 기간 분명한 구호 활동의 성과를 나타냈다. 전쟁 초기 서울 피난민 이송, 전재민들에 대한 식량 및 의료 지원, 식량 부족에 따른 서울지역 농민의 업무 복귀를 담당했다. 전쟁 중반 UNCACK는 전재민을 위한 주택 재건 사업에 돌입했고, 1952년부터 부산 임시수도 정부조직의서울 복귀에 필요한 예산과 지원을 실시했다. 6.25전쟁기 구호일선에서 한국정부의 역할은 제한적이었지만, UNCACK는 전재민에 대한 최소한의 생존환경을보호했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한국과 미국은 UNCACK 지원을 두고, 표층과 심층에서 대립했다. 표층적으로 UNCACK의 식량 지원을 산정하기 위한 쌀 생산량 추산에 대한 한미 간 이견, 이승만정부의 비효율적 사업 운행에 따른 한미간 정치적 마찰이 발생했다. 보다 본질적인 심층적 갈등은 지원물자를 총동원하여 국가재건에 최우선을 둔 한국정부와 동아시아를 조망하며 한국의 재정안정에집중한 미국정부의 인식 차이에 기인했다.

This study analyzes the legacy of the United Nations Civil Service Commission in Korea (UNCACK) and the Republic of Korea’s friction over the UNCACK’s aid with the United States during the Korean War. In the early stages of the war the UNCACK was in charge of a variety of aid activities, including transporting refugees, providing food and medical supplies to war victims, and farmers’ returning from Seoul to work to meet food shortages, that served well the needs of Korean people. In the middle of the war, the UNCACK then began rebuilding houses for refugees and from 1952 it also provided financial and other forms of necessary support for returning of the government from Busan, where a wartime provisional capital was established, back to Seoul. When the ROK government only played a limited role in relief activities during the War, the UNCACK made efforts to establish the minimum conditions to enure war victims’ survival. However, there was a conflict between the ROK and the U.S. over every aspect of the UNCACK’s aid activities. At the surface level there was a big difference between the ROK and the U.S. over the estimate of rice production which was used as a basis for the UNCACKs food supplies and there was also a complaint from the U.S. about the ROK government’s inefficiency of aid activities. At the deeper level, however, the friction between the two countries was caused by their different goals. Whereas the ROK government sought for the country’s rebuilding by using all available resources, the U.S. government’s interest lay in promoting Korea’s financial stability considering its relationship to other east Asian countries.