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장시간 노동이 노동자의 건강을 위협하고 산업재해를 유발하는 요인으로 지적됨에 따라, 정부는 2018년 주당 최대 근무시간을 68시간에서 52시간으로 단축하는 정책을 실시하였다. 이에 본 연구는 이중차분법(DID)을 활용하여 최대 근로시간 단축법이 실근로시간 단축과 산업재해에 끼친 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 주 52시간 상한제는 주 평균 노동시간이 40시간 이상인 300인 이상 기업의 주당 노동시간을 평균 약 2시간 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 노동시간의 감소가 사망사고나 요양재해의 감소에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 끼치진 않는 것으로 나타났다.

Until now, long working hours in Korea has been pointed out as a factor that threatens the health of workers and causes industrial accidents. Accordingly, in 2018, the government tried to improve long working practices by adopting the 52-hour workweek system, which reduced the maximum working hours per week from 68 hours to 52 hours. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Maximum Working Hours Reduction Act on real working hours reduction and industrial accidents. In order to empirically analyze the causal relationship between Maximum Working Hours Reduction Act and industrial accidents, the difference-in-differences estimation method was conducted(DID). As a result of the analysis, the 52-hour workweek system reduced the working hours per week by about 2 hours on average, and this was the same even when excluding industries that belong to the guidance period of the revised Labor Standards Act. However, we found that the 52-hour workweek system did not have a significant effect on the reduction of injury rate or death rate.