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이 연구의 목적은 창극을 활용한 판소리계 소설의 교육 방안과 그 의의를 고찰하는 것이다. 창의와 융합 교육이 강조되는 시대적 상황 속에서 융합적인 면모를 지닌 창극은 판소리계 소설의 교육에서 활용할 만한 대상이다. 더구나 2000년 이후 혁신적인 변모를 이룩한 다양한 형태의 창극들이 등장했다. 그러므로 <활극 심청>, <귀토>, <흥보씨>, <흥보전(2021)>, <다른 춘향(2014)>과 같은 창극을 활용하여 <심청전>, <토끼전>, <흥부전>, <춘향전>의 이본을 분석한 후 서사를 변형해 볼 수 있다. 그리고 <적벽>, <활극 심청>, <귀토>, <흥보씨>, <흥보전>에 삽입된 다양한 형태로 작창된 노래를 통해 판소리계 소설의 서사를 감성적으로 접근할 수 있다. 또한 <수궁가>, <다른 춘향>, <적벽>, <흥보전>, <흥보씨>, <귀토>, <아나 옜다, 배 갈라라>의 연출 기법을 통해 작품의 의미를 분석해 볼 수도 있다. 이러한 교수․학습 방안은 판소리 미적 특성을 현실적으로 체험할 수 있으며 고전 서사의 창극화 및 고전 서사와 창극의 연관성에 대한 연구를 확장하여 학문 후속 세대를 양성할 수 있는 기반이 된다.

The purpose of this study is to examine ways to utilize Chang-geuk and its significance in the education of Pansori novels. The necessity of convergence education is also emphasized at the University recently. And since the 2000s, Chang-geuk has changed dramatically. Therefore, Chang-geuk can be used in the teaching and learning process of Pansori novels. The specific usage method is as follows. First, it is a method of analyzing the version of Pansori novels and transforming the narrative. <Active drama Simcheong>, <Gwito>, <Heungbossi>, <Heungbojeon(2021)>, <Different Chun-hyang> are Chang-geuks that transforms the original narrative. Therefore, it is possible to compare the narratives of these Chang-geuks with those of <Simcheongjeon>, <Rabbit Jeon>, <Heungbujeon(2021)> and <Chunhyangjeon>. And learners can try to transform the original narrative. The second is to use the songs in Chang-geuk. <Jeokbyeok>, <Active drama Simcheong>, <Gwito>, <Heungbossi>, <Heungbojeon(2021)> contain various Pansori songs. Some of the songs of Chang-geuk are the same as those of Pansori, and some of them are different. The songs of Chang-geuk allow us to understand the Pansori novels emotionally. The third method is to utilize the 21st century directing technique of Chang-geuk. Even in the same work, the appearance of Chang-geuk changes depending on the direction. The directing of <Sugungga(2011)>, <Different Chunhyang>, <Jeokbyeok>, <Heungbojeon(2021)>, <Heungbossi>, <Gwito> and <Ana yetda, baegalala> has a strong personality. The modern meaning of the original can be analyzed with the 21st century directing technique of these Chang-geuks. Chang-geuk originated from Pansori. Therefore, the aesthetic characteristics of Pansori are included in Chang-geuk. When learners appreciate modern Chang-geuk, they can realistically experience the aesthetic characteristics of Pansori. And not only Pansori novels but also classical novels were already converted into Chang-geuk in the 1930s. Therefore, other classical novels and classic narrative can also be turned into Chang-geuk. It is also possible to study the connection between classical narrative and Chang-geuk.