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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of self-directed language learning (SDLL) and self-determination (SD) on English achievement. SDLL and English achievement had a positive (+) relationship, but SD had a negative (-) relationship with English achievement in the correlation analysis. When regression analysis was performed to examine the effect on English achievement, SDLL had a positive (+) value and SD had a negative (-) value. More than half of the students (67.1%) answered that they developed a self-directed learning habit after taking online classes. After taking the online classes operated in weeks 1-7, students answered that they could review the contents well (N = 39, 23.8%). After taking the offline classes operated in weeks 8-14, 50 students (30.5%) answered they had better concentration when taking offline classes compared with online classes. Students responded positively to both online classes and offline classes, but in the case of online classes, there were more negative opinions. In the with COVID era or post-COVID-19 era, many students wanted a mix of online and offline classes as a preferred English class type, which is considered to be influenced by the online classes they had received before.