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This article investigates several examples of “Japanese Popular Characters (倭俗字)” in the four works of Zheng Kai Lu (正楷錄), Wo Kai Zheng E (倭楷正訛), Tong wen Tong Kao (同文通考), and Sheng Wen Zuan Kao (省文纂考) in the Edo Period of Japan, and finds that the judgment of Edo scholars is not completely accurate. “ (樂)” can be found in Japanese and Korean literature. “ (圖)” can be seen in Japanese and Vietnamese literature. The symbol “ ” can be found in Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese literature instead of vulgar characters. The character “豊 (豐)” can be found throughout the Chinese character sphere in East Asia. And “釈(釋)”, “訳 (譯)”, “円 (圓)”, “囲 (圍)”, though not in contemporary Chinese literature, but modern visible. It is necessary to study the Popular Characters from the perspective of Chinese character sphere in East Asia.