초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to reveal that the adverbs 'Greoke' and 'Gri' are frequently used as emphasis functions in addition to the functions of demonstrative or anaphora, and to establish their status as emphasis adverbs. The adverb 'Greoke/Gri' is also widely used as a usage that emphasizes the degree of state or action while the function of demonstrative is weakened. Nevertheless, in the study of directives and adverbs, there is a slight lack of attempts to reveal the characteristics as emphasized adverbs. In this study, the distinguishing characteristics of 'Greoke/Gri' when it functions as a demonstrative or anaphora and when it functions as an emphasis function were revealed. In addition, the process of expanding the meaning from the demonstrative or anaphora function to the emphasis function was explained. In addition, the syntactic and semantic characteristics of these adverbs used as emphasis adverbs were examined in various ways. In this study, the use of the adverb 'Greoke/Gri' was divided into three. First of all, it was divided into demonstrative and non-demonstrative uses depending on whether there was a specific reference target. In addition, non-demonstrative use is divided into a use that emphasizes the degree based on general judgment and a use that emphasizes the subjective degree of the speaker. The first usage can only represent the meaning of demonstrative or anaphora, and sometimes it can represent both the meaning of demonstrative and degree. The second and third uses are non-directive uses. They do not have an object of directive shared by the speaker and the listener, and only function to emphasize the information that the speaker wants to reveal. The emphasis adverb 'Greoke/Gri' can be divided into three uses. The first is to emphasize its degree by combining it with a state verb. In this case, negative sentences are combined afterwards, and the degree of accuracy is weakened as a whole. However, 'Greoke/Gri' emphasizes the degree of subsequent state verbs. Second, it emphasizes the degree of state, movement, and situation by delivering information obtained from direct or indirect experiences to the other person or asking the other person. The last use, combined with interjective, emphasizes the degree of the following verb. This third use first indicates doubt or wonder about the degree of degree emphasized by 'Greoke/Gri' using interrogative, which means that the degree of degree is unbelievably large. And it's expanded and used like an exclamation. And it functions to emphasize the meaning of negation in the form of reciprocal questions.