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지난해 울산지방법원은 순찰차 안에서 경찰관에게 욕설을 하고 경찰관을 폭행하는 등 소란을 피우며 하차를 거부하는 주취자를 경찰관이 강제로 밖으로 끌어내려 하자 경찰관을 폭행한 사건에 대해 제1심법원의 무죄판결을 파기하고 유죄를 선고하였다. 그동안 법원은 위법한 공무집행으로부터 시민의 인권을 보호하기 위해 공무집행방해죄의 성립요건을 엄격하게 해석해 온 반면 상대적으로 직무를 집행하는 공무원이 행사할 수 있는 물리력의 정도는 엄격하게 제한하고 있다. 이런 상황에서 필자는 공무집행방해죄가 성립요건을 지나치게 엄격하게 해석하여 그 성립범위를 과도하게 제한하고 있지 않은지를 점검하고자 한다. 필자는 경찰관이 직무를 수행하는 과정에서 아주 일상적으로 직면하는 주취자의 난동과 이를 제지하는 경찰관에 대한 폭력행사 그리고 그러한 폭력행사를 처리하는 사법부의 태도를 최근 선고된 울산지방법원 2022.5.12. 선고 2021노470 판결을 통해 살펴보고 문제점을 지적한 다음 그 해결방안을 제시하였다.

Police officers perform the protection of the life and property of the people, the prevention, suppression and investigation of crimes, and the maintenance of public security and order such as traffic control, etc. However many police officers experience obstructing of the performance of there duties. Sometimes they are assaulted, humiliated, threated, and injured by the citizens who resist them for no good reason. Most of the violence against police officers was caused by accidental acts of the drunks. However the police officers are reluctant to deal with the case due to the strict requirements to impose penalties on them. And this tendancy has caused many negative effects such as serious mental damage, passive police activities, and decrease of trust in the organization. In this year, the Ulsan Court of Appeals convicted the accused who was charged with obstruction of performance of official duties by police officers overruling the verdict of the first trial that ruled the defendant not guilty due to illegal law enforcement by police officers. In many case the Korean criminal courts has been acquitted the accused ruling that he or she resited illegal execution of official duties. This study identified and criticized the doctrines of cases in which obstruction of justice against police officers has been acquitted, and proposed proper ideas that secure the legality of law enforcement and alternatives to reinforce the limitations of the current regulation on obstruction of justice.