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한국전쟁기 정훈활동은 사상전ㆍ심리전의 특성이 뚜렷했던 만큼 전쟁의 간접전략이었다. 전방위로 전개된 정훈활동에서 음악은 무력을 앞세운 군사전략에 버금가는 도구로 활용되었다. 이제껏 한국전쟁기 음악은 국가주의와 반공주의라는 단순한 프레임 속에서 피상적이거나 단선적으로 이해한 측면이 크다. 이 글에서는 정훈음악을 정훈활동의 일환으로 이루어진 음악활동이라 보고, 대표적인 정훈음악 단체인 군악대 및 군 교향악단의 실체를 파악하여 한국전쟁기 정훈음악의 함의를 살펴보았다. 국방부와 각 군의 사료, 음악사료, 지역사료를 두루 살펴 명칭의 혼란이 깊었던 군악대와 전쟁 중 군대를 기반으로 창단한 해군정훈음악대, 육군교향악단, 한국교향악단의 실체를 파악할 수 있었다. 식민지시대와 해방기, 한국전쟁기를 거치는 동안 정훈활동의 의미와 방법, 실체적 내용은 각 시기마다 달랐다. 한국전쟁기 정훈활동은 냉전기 미국의 해외선전정책과 같은 맥락에서 이해할 수 있으며, 정훈음악은 사상, 정보, 심리전에 적극적으로 동원되었다. 군악대와 군 교향악단은 정부와 군의 행사, 유엔 및 외빈 초청 행사를 비롯해 선무공작과 위무활동에 적극적으로 참여하며 정훈음악을 실천했으며, 전후 전문 연주단체로 발전하는 토대를 마련하였다. 단정 수립 후 분단이 구조화된 이후 격렬하게 전개되었던 내부냉전이 한국전쟁기를 지나면서 문화적 냉전으로 이어지는 과정에서 국가동원예술로서의 음악의 역할과 의미를 되새길 필요가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.
The Korean War had distinct ideological and psychological warfare characteristics. Troop Information & Education activities unfolded in all directions as an indirect strategy of war. Music was also used as a strategic tool comparable to military strategy based on force. Music during the Korean War has a large tendency to be understood superficially or unilinearly. This is because they approached it within the simple frame of nationalism and anti-communism. This article presupposes that the music activity as part of Troop Information & Education activity is Troop Information & Education Music. The purpose of this article is to understand the reality of the military band and orchestras established based on the military that specifically realized the musical activities that were made as part of the Troop Information & Education Music activities, and to examine the implications of Troop Information & Education Music during the Korean War. By examining the historical records of the Ministry of National Defense, military records, music records, and regional records, it was possible to understand the reality of the military band, the Naval Military Orchestra for Troop Information & Education Music, Army Orchestra, Korea Orchestra. The meaning, method, and substantive contents of Troop Information & Education differed according to the circumstances of each period, such as the colonial period, the liberation period, and the war period. Troop Information & Education during the Korean War can be understood in the same context as the US Overseas Information Program, which confronted the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and music was mobilized for ideological warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare. Military bands and military symphonies were actively mobilized for government and military events and pacification work. This became the basis for the development of a professional orchestra after the war. After the establishment of a single government in South Korea, the internal Cold War developed violently as division was structured. It was confirmed that it was necessary to reflect on the meaning of music as a national mobilization art in the process leading to the cultural cold war through the Korean War.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Korean War, Cold War, Troop Information and Education Music, Military band, Naval Military Orchestra for Troop Information & Education Music, Army Orchestra, Korea Orchestra