초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In Korean medicine, the "five viscera" theory develops into the theory of homeostasis, in which the dynamic equilibrium state of the yin yang and five elements in the body maintain the balance of the physiological functions. The "five viscera" of the "five elements" can also be referred to as the "functional system," a conceptual system that includes all functional interactions mediated by the organ as well as the organ itself. Nowadays, the structure and function of the organs and tissues in the body are being re-examined, and there is now enough evidence that organs, structures, and their functions that belong to the same "element" are all connected in terms of energy metabolism. The functional system of the "kidney" includes the kidney itself, as well as other components that belong to "water" of the five elements such as bladder, bone, ear, essence, memory, and fear. The authors will discuss the latest findings in science and medicine to expand the understanding of the "Kidney" functional system to the level of molecular physiology.