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This study aims to investigate the relationships among writing self-efficacy, affective factors, and writing proficiency of Chinese EFL high school students. A total of 187 subjects responded to a questionnaire with 43 items, which surveyed linguistic self-efficacy, composition self-regulatory efficacy, motivation, goal orientation, task value, and anxiety held by the subjects. These subjects had also contributed their essays that were scored by two raters. The correlations among the six constructs were statistically significant (p<0.01). In addition, the results of the multiple linear regression revealed that 55.2% variance in writing proficiency was explained by the linear combination of linguistic self-efficacy, composition self-regulatory efficacy, motivation, goal orientation, task value, and anxiety. Also, it was found that the group of students with extrinsic goal orientation outperformed the other group of students with extrinsic goal orientation. Finally, some implications for enhancing English writing strategies for high school students were made.