초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examines the verbal conjugation of several patterns in the Jinju Dialect of Korean, which are different from that in the Standard Korean. The various regularities and irregularities examined in this study are not only realized in the Jinju Diaect, but also in the Gyeongnam Dialect generally, but this article intends to focus on those in the Jinju Dialect. The irregular verbs of ‘ㅂ’ in the Standard Korean are realized as regular verbs in the Jinju Dialect. On the other hand, the regular verbs of ‘오’, ‘우', ‘아', and ‘ㅅ' in the Standard Korean are realized as irregular verbs in the Jinju Dialect. Specifically, they are ‘오' irregular verbs 2, ‘우’ irregular verbs2, ‘아’ irregular verbs, and ‘ㅅ’ irregular verbs 2, respectively.