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본 연구의 목적은 여성 북한이탈주민의 직업 생활 경험을 탐색하여 이들의 직업진입과 직업 적응과정의 요소를 파악하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 남한 노동시장에 성공적으로 진입하여 근로 활동을 하는 20~60대의 여성 북한이탈주민 근로자 12명을 대상으로 개별 심층 면담하여 사례 내 분석과 사례 간 분석을 시행하였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 여성 북한이탈주민의 직업진입 어려움과 해결방안, 직업 적응과정의 긍정적, 부정적 경험을 살펴보고 이들에게 직업 적응은 어떤 의미인지를 밝혀냈다. 이러한 연구 결과에 따라 정책적 제언하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성 북한이탈주민들의 직업 적응의 어려움을 해소하기 위한 1:1 멘토링, 상담 서비스의 활성화가 필요하다. 둘째, 여성 북한이탈주민의 인식개선을 위한 교육을 법적 의무교육의 하나로 제도화할 필요성이 제기된다. 마지막으로 여성 북한이탈주민들의 일·가정 양립과 일자리 창출을 위해 <노-노케어> 제도와 같이 50, 60대 여성 북한이탈주민들과 30~40대 여성 북한이탈주민들이 공존할 수 있는 새로운 일자리를 창출이 필요하다. 본 연구는 여성 북한이탈주민의 직업 생활 경험을 통해 직업진입 가능성과 직업 적응에 필요한 요소를 파악하고 직업진입과 직업 생활의 효율성 제고를 위한 기초자료를 마련하였다는 데 의의가 있다.

This study is a qualitative case conducted to determine the factors that affected the ability of female North Korean refugees to get and adapt to new jobs. To this end, 12 female North Korean refugees between 20 and 60 years old who had successfully maintained jobs in South Korea were individually interviewed. The interview responses were analyzed through within-case and across-case analyses. The within-case analyses were conducted by examining in detail the main facets of each participant’s occupational life. Across-case analyses revealed the existence of 4 core themes, 10 categories, and 24 subcategories. The 4 core themes are ‘career entry process’,‘negative experience of occupation life’,‘positive experience of occupation life’,‘Meaning and Value of occupation life. The characteristics of the participants’ professional experiences can be summarized as follows. First, female North Korean refugees have difficulties getting jobs due to age, linguistic differences, lack of qualifications, and prejudice. These results indicate that female North Korean refugees should receive systematic vocational education and should develop strategies for encouraging companies to hire them. Second, once they got jobs, female North Korean refugees had difficulty succeeding in the workplace due to cultural differences, a lack of relevant abilities, interpersonal difficulties, discrimination and prejudice, poor working conditions, and difficulties in maintaining a work-life balance. These results indicate that these workers should have access to 1:1 mentoring and capacity-building programs, and should be required to participate in an employee assistance program to improve their work-related capabilities. Third, female North Korean refugees had considerable difficulty meeting their childcare responsibilities while working due to the lack of familial and, social resources and networks. Public support should be provided to help them balance home and workplace responsibilities so that they can have successful careers. The purpose of this is to identify the factors that affected whether female North Korean refugees were able to get jobs and how well they adjusted to those jobs. This study is significant in that it showed that prejudices related to the occupational lives of female North Korean refugees are groundless and provided insight into their experience.