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손창섭은 어린 시절부터 극도의 수치심에 사로잡혀 있었다고 할 수 있다. 그것은 어머니의 재가와 관련된 것인데 어머니를 둘러싼 ‘멧돼지 같은 남자’와의 갈등에 의해 더 증폭되었다고 할 수 있다. 이로써 손창섭은 상징계에 제대로 진입하지 못하고 사회적 권위를적절하게 수용하지 못하게 되었다. 그렇지만 그러한 아이의 성장과정을 그래도 가능하게했던 것은 기독교의 수용 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 손창섭의 초기소설부터 후기소설을 지배하는 가장 큰 모티브는 어머니다. 그만큼 어머니가 차지하는 비중은 상상을 초월한다. 그는 유년기에 어머니와의 실망스런 관계로 하여 어머니를 매춘과 결부시키게 되지만 점차 그 어머니를 긍정해 나가기 시작한다. 매춘을 비난하는 윤리적 현실에 맞서 작가가 구원을 얻게 되는 것은 성경에 의해서이다. 이 신앙은종말론적 세계관의 성격을 가지고 있었고 이러한 세계관은 사회를 보는 데도 그대로 작동하게 된다. 그렇지만 사회에서의 종말론적 경향은 인정 받으려는 욕망에 의해 변질되는데이 인정투쟁은 그에 따른 수치심에 의해 다시 종말론으로 회귀하게 된다. 『신의 희작』은 지배집단, 담론적으로는 국가와 민족, 가족의 자기동일성의 경향에 그렇게도 연연해하는 자기 자신에 대한 수치심이 만든 것인데 그렇게 무참하게 파괴할 수밖에없었던 이유는 그 연연함이 환관 에서 볼 수 있는 것처럼 그렇게 하지 않으면 절대로 끊어질 수 없는 그러한 끈질긴 속성을 가지고 있기 때문이다.

Son Chang-Seup seems to have been obsessed with extreme shame since childhood. This obsession is related to his mother’s remarriage, which seems to have been amplified by the conflict with the “man like a boar” who surrounded her. As a result, Son seems to have failed to properly enter the symbolic world and properly accept social authority. This mechanism drove him to suicidal thoughts, which seemed to have been exacerbated by nocturia as he was growing up. Internally, the child was unable to enter into the symbolic world because he saw his mother as both parent and object of sexual desire owing to his conspiratorial relationship with the boar-like man and the stranger who took his father’s place; instead, he was captured by horrifying visions and fantasies. However, it is judged that accepting Christianity made the growth of the child possible. Despite his unfortunate childhood, difficulties with his studies, the shame and anger triggered by nocturia, and desires for revenge, the main characters appears to be a scholar. One reason for this impression may be his Christian faith. The primary motif that dominates Son’s early and later novels is his mother, which means that his mother is disproportionately represented in his novels. His novels can be regarded as a process of affirming his mother. In one novel, his mother appears as prostitute simply because she remarried for money, which is why the author has an excessive affection for prostitutes The Bible saves that the author from the ethical reality of condemning prostitution. The story “The Woman Who Committed Adultery” gave him a justification for revealing himself as the author only in the end, and through this faith, he finally begins to confront reality. The adversary was supported by this apocalyptic worldview, enabling it to fight intransigently with reality. However, the characters' process of struggle is one of recognition rather than apocalypse, but this struggle for recognition is based on a social discourse of the society, resulting in a dialectic of masters and slaves who want to be respected by society. In this dialectic, slaves are equal with their masters in thought, but in reality, they cannot escape the circumstances of slavery. In addition, in order to be in the position of a master, many things must be covered up and the affection for the weak he pursued disappears and only respect for oneself remains. It is believed that the main character’s awakening to the selfishness and hypocrisy of the corrupt group, of which he had been so critical, appeared the same to him and led him to seek a new path. “God’s joy” was created by the main character’s own destruction because he was so attached to being recognized by the ruling group, and the reason it had to be so brutally destroyed was that it was so persistent that it could not otherwise be cut off, as can be seen in “Hwankwan.”