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형사조정제도가 2006년 시범 프로그램으로 검찰단계에 도입되어 전국적으로 시행된 지 상당한 시간이 흘렀다. 그동안 다수의 선행 논문들은 형사조정제도를 회복적사법 프로그램으로 인정하고, 회복적사법 프로그램으로써 적합성과 형사절차 내에서 존재의 타당성에 대하여 검토하였다. 또 형사조정제도의 발전방안에 대하여도 다양한 견해를 제시하고 있다. 그러나 여전히 현장에서는 회복적사법 프로그램의 핵심이라 할 수 있는 당사자 중심의 회복의 약속, 자발적 책임인수와 약속불이행 등 문제점은 반복되고 있다. 이에 형사조정제도를 설계하고 회복적 프로그램으로써 의의와 효용성을 위한 검토와 제도적 문제점의 개선에서 한걸음 나아가 최근 발간된 유엔의 「회복적사법 프로그램의 위한 핸드북(개정판)」과 「유엔 형사사법에 회복적사법 프로그램을 사용하기 위한 기본원칙」을 기준으로 현행의 문제점을 진단해보고, 본 제도가 추구하는 방향에 부합하는 실무상의 개선방향을 제안하고자 한다.

The criminal mediation system, which began as a pilot project at the Daejeon District Prosecutors' Office and the Bucheon District Office in April 2006, was operated for 15 years and has established itself as a system. Most of the discu -ssions on restorative judicial programming, which have been discussed since the beginning of the demonstration, have positively evaluated restorative judicial pro gramming. Now that it has been 15 years since the program was operated, we will once again cultivate its meaning as a restorative judicial program in criminal justice procedures, review the meaning and role of the criminal mediation system along with restorative police activities that began in 2019.It is also meaningful to predict changes in the criminal mediation system and discuss the direction of development in response to the transfer of investigative power to the police due to the revision of the Criminal Procedure Act. In order to establish and operate the criminal mediation system at the stage of designing and establishing the existing system, efforts based on quantitative case requests and mediation establishment rates now need to be reviewed in the direction of improving the quality of the system and establishing identity as a restorative judicial system. In particular, the meaning of damage recovery in criminal justice procedures was reviewed, focusing on the need for human resource management as a development direction to secure institutional effectiveness beyond the stage of design and construction discussed at the beginning of the new program.