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The Korean color words {heeda} and {hayaatda} are frequently used in the everyday life. While the two lexicons form a significant relationship of making reference to the same object, the discussion of such has not made much progress. These words are also used as metaphors that convey various meanings in addition to the method of conveying color information, a discussion which has not adequately taken place either. Hence, this study intends to verify the various usages and meanings of {heeda} and {hayaatda} by native speakers, and the differences in the meanings of the two lexicons. To this end, data searched on Naver blogs and news will be used for discussion to ensure that the researcher’s habit of using this language is excluded and an objective discussion will take place. In addition, as for the vocabulary used for the target of the search, {heeda} and {hayaatda} are used as descriptive, modifier, and adverbial forms, and will use 1000 examples each as the target of the discussion.