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레짐의 관점에서 분석하여 일본의 아태지역 통상정책이 내포하는 특징과 한계가 무엇인지 살펴보는 것이다. 이러한 접근은 일본이 제도화된 지역협동을 강조하며 높은 수준의 자유무역협정(FTA)를 지향하고 있다는 점을 뒷받침한다. 2022년 발표된 『통상백서』에 따르면, 일본의 통상정책은 자유무역 질서를 기반으로 역내 제도화된 협동의 강화와 지역 통상질서의 주도권 확보를 목표로 하고 있다. 무엇보다도 FTAAP의 구축 과정에서 영향력 확보는 일본의 통상정책의 핵심 과제이다. 이러한 의미에서 TPP/CPTPP는 아태지역의 지역레짐으로서 일본의 통상정책을 설명하는 대표적인 사례이다. 여기에서 TPP/CPTPP는 자유무역이라는 의제로 역내 국가 간의 제도화된 협동을 촉진한다. 특히 TPP/CPTPP는 전자상거래, 지적재산권, 투자, 서비스, 정부조달, 환경, 투명성을 비롯한 여러 분야에서 새로운 규범을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 향후 FTAAP의 형성에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 TPP/CPTPP로 대표되는 일본의 통상정책은 과도한 미국 의존성이나 역내 지지 기반 결여 등의 과제도 직면하고 있다.

This paper aims to demonstrate the changing structure of Japan's trade policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The focus of the discussion is to examine the distinctive points and limitations of Japan's commercial policy toward the Asia-Pacific through a regional regime‐based analysis of the TPP/CPTPP. It suggests that Japan stresses institutionalized regional partnership and aims for a high-standard Free Trade Agreement (FTA). According to 「White Paper on International Trade 2022」, Japan's trade policy seeks to strengthen institutionalized cooperation and secure a position as a leader in the regional trade order through a free trade system. Above all, gaining power in the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) is the main task for Japan's trade policy. Therefore, TPP/CPTPP is an example that explains Japan's trade policy as regional regimes in the Asia-Pacific. Also, the TPP/CPTPP promotes institutionalized cooperation between countries in the region in the name of free trade. Especially TPP/CPTPP is now presenting new norms in various fields, including e-commerce, intellectual property rights, investment, services, government procurement, environment, and transparency, which means it can significantly impact the formation of FTAAP. However, Japan's trade policy, represented as TPP/CPTPP, is still facing challenges, including Japan's excessive reliance on the U.S. and the lack of regional support.This paper aims to demonstrate the changing structure of Japan's trade policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The focus of the discussion is to examine the distinctive points and limitations of Japan's commercial policy toward the Asia-Pacific through a regional regime‐based analysis of the TPP/CPTPP. It suggests that Japan stresses institutionalized regional partnership and aims for a high-standard Free Trade Agreement (FTA). According to 「White Paper on International Trade 2022」, Japan's trade policy seeks to strengthen institutionalized cooperation and secure a position as a leader in the regional trade order through a free trade system. Above all, gaining power in the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) is the main task for Japan's trade policy. Therefore, TPP/CPTPP is an example that explains Japan's trade policy as regional regimes in the Asia-Pacific. Also, the TPP/CPTPP promotes institutionalized cooperation between countries in the region in the name of free trade. Especially TPP/CPTPP is now presenting new norms in various fields, including e-commerce, intellectual property rights, investment, services, government procurement, environment, and transparency, which means it can significantly impact the formation of FTAAP. However, Japan's trade policy, represented as TPP/CPTPP, is still facing challenges, including Japan's excessive reliance on the U.S. and the lack of regional support.