초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examined the trajectory of the concept of ‘life’ in Korean history based on the problem based on of Foucault's bio-politics theory. Life as a translation language was imported to Korea through Japan in the process of transitioning to modern times, which shows the dynamic construction of modernity in the contemporary context of Korean society. When the concept of life was translated in the early modern era, ‘soul’ and ‘life’ were used interchangeably in a Christian context. This is related to the emergence of the modern concept of life, which Foucault said, and analyzed Young-taek Jeon’s biologicalism and the moralization discourse of modification developed by Kwang-soo Lee in relation to the governance strategy of life politics to voluntarily tame the body (Chapter 2). Like them, Young-mo Yoo and Seok-heon Ham's SSial ideas, which developed in a Christian context, tried to indigenousize them by criticizing the hierarchical dualism inherent in the Western translated concept of life (Chapter 3). In this process, along with criticism of colonialism, an ecological problem consciousness inherent in the concept of life is found, and it is Ji-ha Kim who inherited it. Kim continued her attempts to indigenousize the concept of life based on dynamics, but failed to overcome dualism (Chapter 4).