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Development of persuasive public speech education program to experience “target audience” : Focused on university liberal arts lectures. Choi, Youngin. <Abstract> This study focused on the “audience,” which has been continuously emphasized in speech education, and developed a “public speech education program that experiences the “target audience” so that students can learn considering the audience in liberal arts lectures at university. The concept and role of the “audience” approached in each theory from rhetoric to contemporary persuasive communication theories in the pre-theoretical exploration stage of program development were examined. Moreover, considering the specificity of the liberal arts lecture, an eight-step program was devised. When the program focuses on the procedure performed by the “speaker,” the speaker analyzes and interprets the characteristics of the audience, plans and executes the public speech in consideration of the characteristics, and conducts an evaluation from the “target audience” set by him/herself. It is structured so that the speaker can experience the series of receiving processes meaningfully. The developed speech program was reviewed by three experts and applied to a liberal arts course at a university in Seoul in the first and second semesters of 2020. After the application of the program, the direction of the program revision was set based on the evaluation of the students and the review of external experts.