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In this study, I tried to prepare educational content by suggesting metaphorical thinking as an alternative to overcome the biased theme consciousness of <Samogok>. To this end, the meaning and structure of metaphorical thinking were clarified, and the actual educational content of <Samogok> was prepared from the point of view of metaphorical thinking. Paying attention to the characteristic of metaphorical mobility, metaphorical thinking was viewed as a concept that includes the expansion of the cognitive structure that learners can form through metaphors, the formation of relationships with objects, and the subjective construction of meanings for the given meanings. And the structure of metaphorical thinking was proposed as the formation of a relationship with a heterogeneous object by similarity, the formation of a new gaze on the object, and a reinterpretation of the given meaning. These contents can be a way for <Samogok> to transmit the value of filial piety and overcome the limited understanding that was perceived as a sanction. In addition, it can be an alternative for in-depth metaphorical education by solving the problem that metaphoric education was limitedly focused on justice and effect in literature education.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Metaphor, Metaphorical Thinking, <Samogok>, Similarity, Heterogeneity, Expansion of Perception