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황복사는 현재 경주 낭산에 3층 석탑, 2기의 귀부, 근처의 폐왕릉이 존재한 폐사지로, 근래 5차에 걸친 발굴을 통해 寺址의 기본 축과 도로 등을 밝힌 바 있다. 본고는 경주 황복사지에 대해 다음과 같은 주안점을 두고 살펴보았다. 첫째 황복사의 창건은 선덕여왕(632~646)이 진평왕(579~631)의 능사로서 창건하였고, 중창은 신문왕(681~691)의 사후 3층 석탑을 건립하면서 남북으로 형성되어 있던 가람의 축을 동서축으로 바꾼 것에 주목하였다. 둘째로 황복사가 신라 중대 왕실의 종묘가람이라는 점에서 그 면모를 고구하였다. 신문왕의 사후 신목태후는 祖廟에 모셔진 五廟의 毁撤이 어려운 상황에서, 불교식 眞殿에서의 제사와 종묘의 형식을 결합하여 황복사에 종묘를 설치한 것으로 추정하였다. 이는 「황복사금동사리함명」의 ‘종묘성령을 받들기 위해 선원가람에 3층석탑을 건립하였다(奉爲宗庙聖靈禪院伽藍建立三層石塔)’에 근거한 것이다. 마지막으로 선원가람인 황복사는 瑜伽사찰로 의상(625~702)은 29세에 황복사의 출가를 통해 공인된 신라의 관도승으로 661년 당에 유학한 것으로 보았다. 경덕왕 대(742~764)의 대덕인 표훈과 관련된 상원 원년(上元 元年)을 당 고종(674)이 아닌 당 숙종(760)의 연호로 보고, 표훈은 702년에 입적한 의상에게 친히 가르침을 받지 못한 경덕왕 대 大德으로 보았다.

Hwangboksa Temple site is a ruined temple site with a three-story pagoda and two tortoise-shaped pedestals located near a ruined royal tomb in Gyeongju’s Mt. Nangsan. The main axis and roads of the temple were unearthed through recent excavations which had been conducted five times. This study reviewed the Hwangboksa temple site, focusing on three following aspects. Firstly, this paper investigated the establishment of the temple and change of the temple’s main axis after reconstruction. Hwangboksa temple was constructed by Queen Seondeok (善德女王, r. 632-647) as the shrine temple of King Jinpyeong (眞平王, r. 579-632). Regarding the reconstruction, it discussed the change of temple’s main axis from the south-north to east-west axis through the foundation of the three-story pagoda which took place after the death of King Sinmun (神文王, r. 681-692) Secondly, the aspect that Hwangboksa temple was Jongmyo shrine temple in the Middle Period of Silla was examined. It is assumed that Queen Sinmok (神穆太后) built a Royal Ancestral Shrine in Hwangboksa temple, combining the rituals performed in the Buddhist portrait hall and royal shrine, after the death of King Sinmun. Since Queen Sinmok couldn't be demolished Five Shrines enshrined in the Jomyo (祖廟). This argument is based on the record, “three-story pagoda was built in order to revere holy spirits of a Royal Ancestral Shrine” inscribed on the gilt-bronze Sarira reliquary of Hwangboksa temple. Lastly, it is presumed that Hwangboksa temple is a Yogacara temple. Also, another argument is that Monk Uisang (義湘, 625-702) was a Silla-authorized Buddhist monk who joined the sangha in Hwangboksa temple at the age of 29, and went to the Tang dynasty to study in 661. With regard to the eminent monk Pyohun during King Gyeongdeok’s reign (景德王, r. 742-765), this study pointed out that the era name of Shangyuan recorded in “first year of Shangyuan” indicates the reign title as being under Emperor Suzong of Tang (760), not Emperor Gaozong (674). In addition, it is assumed that monk Pyohun was in holy orders called Daedeok (大德) during the reign of King Gyeongdeok, and he was not taught directly by monk Uisang who entered nirvana in 702.