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본 논문은 왕대일 교수의 삶과 신학을 통해 성서학과 교회의 만남을 위한 신학적 통찰과 성서학적 방법론을 얻는 것을 목표로 한다. 왕대일은 만남의 신학자로서 평생 감리교신학대학교에서 교수로 사역하면서도 교회 강단을 떠난 적이 없다. 그의 성서학을 통한 교회와의 소통은 교회와 연결된 성서학, 시대현실에 응답하는 신학, 한국적 읽기로서의 경학을 결과했다. 그의 신학적 공헌은 향후 목회를 위한 성서학, 예언자로서의 실천신학, 문화화의 신학으로 새롭게 발전해 가리라 기대된다.

This paper attempts to discuss a dialogue between biblical studies and church from the perspective of a specific theologian whose scholarship has maintained the dialogue. Dr. Tai Il Wang is one of the leading scholars in South Korea who has dedicated all of his life in the Old Testament studies. Throughout his faculty career in the Methodist Theological University in Seoul for twenty nine years, he has never left pulpit in the church. He regards the Bible as the product of faith community. His biblical interpretation is not simply a scholarly work but a passionate encounter with the texts. After a short review of Dr. Wang’s life in which his consistent efforts in both scholarly and ministerial works are highlighted, three contact points of his biblical studies with practical settings of the church are portrayed. First, he has focused on canonical reading of the Bible, while he accepts the meaningful findings of the historical critical interpretation. His biblical studies demonstrates a strict objective procedure that employs both diachronic and synchronic interpretive methods. Yet, all of his exegetical works comes to an end with ecclesial applications. Second, it is a biblical theology in response to contemporary issues by which churches are surrounded. Dr. Wang tries to discover all the details of the human and social problems in the Bible and connect them with today’s circumstances. His creation-centered theology makes it easier in adaptation of biblical messages into practical issues of human life. Third, the biblical reading of Kyung Hak pioneers a new way of interpretation in Korean Christian churches. Dr. Wang has not been satisfied with the previous analytical methods of German or American scholars because they are different in nature from Korean approach to the Scriptures, the Canon of the church. That is why he has developed a Korean way of biblical reading by utilizing the traditional Kyung Hak. There are three theological attitudes we have to learn form Dr. Wang’s biblical studies. First, he has flexibility in doing theology. He would not stay within the dogmatic or scholarly stubbornness. Instead, he always examines his biblical works in the criterion of the canonical community. Second, he has sensitivity to social issues. Through his exegetical works of the Old Testament, he makes prophetic voices against all odds and ends in human society. Third, he has creativity by transforming western styled biblical criticism into Korean style canonical reading of Kyung Hak. Dr Wang has opened a new way of biblical studies in which both scholarly and pastoral interpretations meet together in the celebration of the Christian Canon.