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페르시아 시대의 인명을 분석한 이 연구는 세 개의 다른 지역에서 발견된 문서(바벨론-무라슈 문서, 팔레스틴-사마리아 파피루스, 이집트-엘레판틴 파피루스)에 언급된 인명록을 분석하였다. 이후 이 시대를 배경으로 하는 구약성경의 책들에 언급된 인명록을 비교 분석하여 그 의미를 찾고자 시도하였다.

Based on the historical documents from three different areas-Babylonia, Palestine and Egypt in the Persian period, this paper examines personal names of the Judeans mentioned in MuraŠû archive, Samaria papyri and Elephantine papyri. Even though they are geographically and chronologically unhomogeneous, they provide substantial Judean names in the period to display some characteristics in them. First, all of them, irrespective of regional differences, mentioned the Persian emperors, indicating that those regions were politically sensitive to their authority and dominated by Persia. Second, the common personal names mentioned in three different documents are only two, Haggai and Hanan(i)ya, both of which appeared in the Old Testament, mostly in the periods of deportation and the Persian with rare cases before the Babylonian destruction. Third, as the biblical descriptions in the Persian period, women names are very rarely mentioned in historical documents. None of woman name is found in some of them. The only exception is the Elephantine papyri in Egypt mentioning 14 different women’s names indicating the proportion of 14.4%(14/97). Lastly, personal names with Yahweh element are characteristic common in three regions. In Babylonia, names with Yahweh element are composed of up to 81%(46-81%), while they are almost to 40%(38.6%) in Palestine and similar in Egypt(40.8%). Despite regional separation, all of them displayed more proportions than names with Yahweh element mentioned in the Old Testament(34.9%).