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俳諧文學是描述醜陋的形象、詼諧的事件、戲擬正統文體而呈現出諧謔、遊戲、淺俗性的文學。在以往研究中,出現不少俳諧文學被誤讀的情况。如王延壽≪夢賦≫、嵇含≪誥風伯≫等作品由於其原始宗教習俗而 誤認爲俳諧文學。而劉謐之、喬道元的≪與天公箋≫在當時應該是比較流行的俳諧文學,却被誤判爲道教章表。再如佛教文學因其嚴肅的宗教性,以往研究中便將佛教文學作品統統排斥在俳諧文學之外。而事實上,佛教文學與俳諧文學二者並不衝突。佛教在廣泛傳播過程中,因勢利導,將其深奧的教義通俗化、幽默化、生活化,往往借助俳諧文學的外在形式,以便生動地闡釋、演繹那些艱澀難懂的佛理。因此,如何界定和區分俳諧文學,需要根據其作品文本才能作出準確判斷。

Humorous literature is a kind of literature which describes ugly images, humorous events, parody of orthodox style, and presents the characteristics of banter, playfulness and vulgarity. In the past studies, there have been many misunderstandings of humorous Literature. For example, Wang Yanshou's dream Fu and Ji Han's Gao Fengbo are mistaken for humorous literature because of their primitive religious customs. Liu Mizhi and Qiao Daoyuan's Yu Tiangong Jian were supposed to be popular humorous literature at that time, but it was misjudged as a Taoist zhang biao. For another example, because of the serious religious nature, Buddhist literature was excluded from humorous literature in the past studies. In fact, there is no conflict between Buddhist literature and humorous literature. In the process of spread of Buddhism, it is often with the help of humorous literature, in order to vividly interpret those difficult Buddhist principles. Therefore, how to define and distinguish humorous literature needs to be judged according to its works.