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This paper discusses certain properties of yes used as a rejoinder (to statements) and a polar answer (to yes-no questions). Holmberg (2016) suggests that the rejoinder yes may have a dual nature: It can have properties of right or true, or it can be the same yes used in answers. We verify the latter possibility by showing that the rejoinder yes can be followed by an affirmative sentence, thereby entering into a head-to-head relation. We also discuss yes used as a polar answer and attempt to resolve a potential problem arising from Holmberg’s polar answer system. We propose that the relevant construction disguises elliptical constructions, permitting a head-to-head relation inside the elliptical site, as desired. We also discuss an intricate interplay of negation and emphatic do in answers and show that it lends support in favor of Holmberg’s (2016) claim that the two uses of negation play a crucial role in licensing the answers involving yes.