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이 글은 ‘동학’을 통해 ‘민족’을 사유했던 신동엽이 추구하고 지향하던 것이 무엇인지를 탐구하기 위해 신동엽의 시 세계에 나타나는 역사의식과 사회적 상상력에 주목하였다. 특히 사학과를 졸업한 신동엽의 역사에 대한 관심, 동학의 정신에 대한 탐구를 그의 산문과 시를 통해 살펴보려 했다. 동학과 천도교는 공공선의 실현을 중시하고 개혁주체로서의 공개인 개념을 제시했으며 생활세계에 밀착된 실천적인 종교였다. 동학은 시민도덕과 윤리를 배양하고 ‘공론장을 만든 종교’였다는 점에서 시민종교적 특성을 가진다. 신동엽 시에 나타난 동학의 정신은 개인적인 신앙, 자기수양이나 깨달음, 인륜적인 도의 차원을 넘어서는 것으로, 신동엽은 자생적인 민중적 역능에 기대를 걸고 당대의 현실에서 민중의 역량이 발휘되어 변혁의 원동력이 되기를 바라는 희원을 담아 동학의 정신을 사유하였다. 신동엽은 구한말, 식민초기의 상황과 1960년대를 겹쳐보며 정체성 확립의 문제, 그리고 새로운 세상을 여는 주체가 되고자 하는 열망을 문학에 반영하였다. 이 글은 역사적 흐름을 살펴보며 신동엽 시 속에 나타난 동학에 대한 탐구가 어떤 맥락에서 나타났는지 파악하고 그 의미를 고찰하려 했다. 이는 당시의 사람들이 구체적인 현실에 맞서기 위해 무엇을 추구했고 무엇을 실현하려 하였는가를 탐색하며 신동엽 시 해석의 지평을 더욱 확대하려는 목적을 가진다.

This study focused on Shin Dong-yeop's historical consciousness and social imagination in the world of poetry to explore what Shin Dong-yeop was pursuing and aiming for. In particular, this study tried to examine Shin Dong-yup's interest in history and exploration of the spirit of Donghak through his prose and poetry. Cheondoism is a 20th-century Korean Pantheistic religion, based on the 19th-century Donghak religious movement. This article is to take a step further in previous research on Shin Dong-yeop's literature showing the connection between his poetry and Donghak, and to pay more attention to the emotions of sociality and show social imagination beyond the dimension of personal faith, self-discipline, enlightenment, and humanity. Donghak has a civic religious characteristic in that it was a 'religion that created a public forum'. At a time when only colonial publicity was possible in the public domain, Cheondoism created a religious public forum, and created a living organization in a rural village, which became the basis for creating a revolutionary event of the March 1st Movement. Focusing on the concept of Donghak's "Gong-gaein" and its characteristics as a practical religion, this article attempted to examine the "revolutionary" part of Cheondoism, which wanted to cultivate civic morality and ethics, utilize media, and create a public place that had never existed before. Shin Dong-yeop re-examined the spirit of Donghak with the hope that the capabilities of the people will be exercised in the reality of the 1960s and become a driving force for realization of transformation. Shin Dong-yeop reflected in literature the problem of establishing identity and the desire to reform the world that 20th century nationalism desperately pursued through Donghak. To this end, this article attempted to overlap the situation of the late Joseon Dynasty and the early colonial period with the 1960s and to examine the context in which Monoethnicity and Donghak were called after Korea's 1945 liberation from Japan. This aims to further expand and deepen the meaning of Shin Dong-yeop's poems, reconsidering what people pursued and tried to realize in order to confront specific reality in the 1960s.