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The ‘Regency Ceremony’(‘垂簾聽政儀’) is the congratulatory greetings to the great queen who acts as regent. This was done at the Ceremony of Enthronementy of the king. It receives the will and the Royal seal of the former king and ascend to the throne. After that, he went to the palace office(便殿) for the ‘Regency Ceremony’. And ‘Regency Ceremony was held here. After the announcement of the document, the ceremony ends. It was first implemented when Sunjo ascended to the throne in 1800. The location of the Enthronement ceremony of the king who performed the ‘Regency Ceremony has been changed. The new king ascended to the throne at the main gate of the palace where the former king's Funeral Hall(殯殿) was located. Jeongjo's funeral hall was in Changdeokgung's Hwangyeongjeon Hall(歡慶殿). But Sunjo did not ascend to the throne at the main gate of Changgyeonggung Palace. He moved to Injeongmun Gate of Changdeokgung Palace and took the throne. Afterwards, he went to Huijeongdang Hall(熙政堂) in Changdeokgung Palace and held a ‘Regency Ceremony’. The kings who ascended the throne after Sunjo followed this. ‘Regency Ceremony’ was to formalize regent. And the ‘Regency Ceremony’ was closely related to the coronation ceremony.