초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper focused on how the Qing government dealt with Chosŏn affairs in the early 1880s from the perspective of operation of the related administrative system. Chosŏn affairs have always been an important part of Qing's foreign affairs. Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the mechanism ‘the Ministry of Rites-Feng・Ji local authorities’ had been established to handle affairs such as tributes, envoys, trades and border issues related to Chosŏn. The Ministry of Rites played a central role as the hub of document processing in this mechanism, which operated in an orderly manner until the mid-19th century. After the middle of the 19th century, with the continuous invasion of the Chosŏn kingdom by Western powers, the newly established diplomatic organizations-Zongli Yamen and Beiyang superintendent-to respond to the treaty system first became involved in the handling of Chosŏn affairs in terms of diplomatic documents processing. Around year 1880, in the process of guiding the signing of treaties and commerce between Chosŏn and Western countries, as well as receiving the Yeongseonsa(領選使), the Beiyang superintendent gradually acquired the authority to exchange documents with the king of Chosŏn, and was recognized and valued by the Chosŏn side. The Qing Dynasty gradually established a mechanism for dealing with issues related to trade, treaties and other aspects of Chosŏn affairs through the ‘Zongli Yamen-Beiyang superintendent’ system, and the role of the mechanism was sufficiently exercised in the process of negotiating “Regulations for Maritime and Overland Trade between Chinese and Korean(1882)” with Chosŏn. However, when the regulations were put into effect, the ‘Zongli Yamen-Beiyang superintendent’ system overstepped its authority in matters such as envoys, ceremonies, and border affairs, and was opposed by the local authorities in the frontier regions and the Ministry of Rites. Finally, the two administration systems alleviated this contradiction by jointly participating in the enactment of follow-up chapters of the regulations and re-regulating the administrative operation mode of various affairs and the order of document movement. The processing mechanism for Chosŏn affairs during the late Qing Dynasty’s was manifested in the way of co-processing between the two administrative systems, i.e. the ‘Ministry of Rites-Feng・Ji local authorities’ and the ‘Zongli Yamen-Beiyang superintendent’.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Chosŏn affairs, administrative operation mechanism, Regulations for Maritime and Overland Trade between Chinese and Korean(1882), Zongli Yamen, Beiyang superintendent, the Ministry of Rites, Fengtian and Jilin local authorities

朝鲜事务, 行政运作机制, 中国朝鲜商民水陆贸易章程, 总理衙门, 通商大臣, 礼部, 奉・吉地方当局