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2017년 러시아혁명 100주년을 맞이한 푸틴 정부는 공식 기념행사를 일절 치르지 않았다. 사실 푸틴 정부는 최근 10월 혁명에 대해 일관되게 부정적 평가를 내려왔다. 즉, 10월 혁명은 국론을 분열시키고 곧 이어진 내전으로 수많은 러시아 국민의 희생을 가져온 불미스러운 사건으로 묘사했고 혁명 직후 볼셰비키 지도부의 무자비한 살상을 비난함과 동시에 초기 실책이 훗날 러시아 영토의 분열을 초래했다고 비난했다. 이러한 소위 혁명에 대한 ‘망각 정치’는 1990년대 공산주의 세력을 억누르기 위해 노력했던 옐친 정부시기부터 체계적으로 시작된 것이었다. 하지만 일반 시민들의 혁명에 대한 기억과 평가는 정치 지도부의 견해와는 달랐다. 정권 유지와 안정을 추구하는 정치 지도자에게 혁명은 망각되어야할 사건이었지만 민중들에게 10월 혁명은 현재적 의미를 지닌 사건으로 국가 발전에 긍정적 영향과 부정적 영향 모두를 끼쳤던 아직은 기억되어야할 역사적 사건으로 남아있다.

The contemporary Russian government led by President Putin did not officially celebrate the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution by claiming that the revolution mostly produced a negative impact, including the collapse of the old regime, the division of the nation, and the enormous human losses from the civil war, on the country and its people. Indeed, this practice of “forgetting” memories of the October Revolution is a continuing one that started from the previous government under the Yeltsin leadership (1992-1999), which tried to remove ideological symbols of the socialist past that could be used by supporters of the Communist party, the Yeltsin government’s key political rival. Thus, the Yeltsin government shortened the holiday of the October Revolution and changed the name of the holiday from the ‘Day of Great October Socialist Revolution’ to the ‘Day of Accord and Reconciliation’ in order to redefine the meaning of the anniversary. The Putin government, pursuing social and political stability and unity of the nation, has continued to follow the so-called forgetting-policy of the previous government while criticizing the Bolshevik leadership, especially Lenin, as the force that conducted meaningless slaughter and laid a seed of future disunion of Russia. In contrast, citizens of contemporary Russia do not fully agree with the historical perspective ‘from above.’ Rather, ordinary Russian citizens still remember the October Revolution as a historical event that contributed to the socio-economic development of Russia while recognizing its negative impact on culture and religion. Unlike the political leadership, the ordinary people in Russia recognize not only the damages but also the benefits brought by the revolution because they believe in the usefulness of the historic lesson of the revolution in contemporary Russia.