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인구는 한 국가 혹은 한 사회를 구성하는 기초적 요인으로써 중요한 요소이다. 한 국가, 한 시대의 사회경제적 변동의 기저에는 인구의 증감과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 이러한 점을 염두에 두고 본 연구는 조선 초기 관찬지리지인 『경상도지리지』를 중심으로 15세기 경상도 지역의 인구동향을 살펴보았다. 첫째, 현존하는 『경상도지리지』는 『세종실록』지리지의 편찬과정에서 만들어진 지리지라는 이유로 저평가되어 왔던 인식에서 벗어나 독자적인 지리지로 평가되어야 한다는 점이다. 「경상도지리지서」를 통하여 살펴본 결과, 세종 14년에 새로 편찬된 『팔도지리지』의 일부인 『경상도지리지』는 서문이 없는 형태로 춘추관에 보내진 것이라면, 경주본영에 비치된 『경상도지리지』는 서문을 갖춘 지리지라는 점이다. 둘째, 이를 바탕으로 하여 현존하는 『경상도지리지』에 기재되어 있는 군현 114곳의 호구조(戶口條)를 중심으로 15세기 경상도 지역의 인구동향을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 지도상으로 보면 15세기 경상도 지역의 호와 인구는 경상도 내의 관할 거점 지역인 계수관을 중심으로 하여 집중적으로 분포되어 있었다. 이는 경상도 내의 계수관을 중심으로 도시적 성격을 띠고 있다고 볼 수 있다.

Population is an important factor as a basic factor that constitutes a country or society. Therefore, the basis of social fluctuations in a country or era is closely related to the increase or decrease of the population, especially the increase or decrease of the working age population has a profound effect on the economic development of a country or era. With this in mind, this study investigated the population trend of Gyeongsangdo in the 15th century, focusing on Gyeongsangdojiriji (the Geographical Description of Gyeongsangdo) a government-sponsored geography in the early Chosun Dynasty. The summary of the results is as follows. First, the data value of Gyeongsangdojiriji, the existing official geography, was re-examined. The existing Gyeongsangdojiriji should be evaluated in terms of independent geography, breaking away from the perception that it has been undervalued because it was created in the process of compiling Sejongsillokjiriji(the Geographical Description of the Annals of King Sejong). If Gyeongsangdojiriji, a part of the newly compiled paldojiriji(the Geographical Description of the early Chosun Dynasty) in the 14th year of King Sejong, was sent to Chunchugwan in the form of no preface, Gyeongsangdojiriji, which was later placed in Gyeongju, is considered to have a different purpose of compilation. In addition, according to the compilers, they are directly or indirectly related to Jeong Mong-ju in the late Goryeo Dynasty and are from Gyeongsangdo. Second, based on this, the population status and characteristics of Gyeongsangdo in the 15th century were examined, focusing on the arc structures of 114 counties and prefectures listed in the existing Gyeongsangdojiriji. From this, the number of households in Gyeongsangdo is 42,221, with a male population of 172,174 and a female population of 182,895, which can be estimated to be 355,069 in total. The number of districts per unit is 8.41, and the gender ratio for men and women is 94,14, showing a female-dominated phenomenon. In addition, the population distribution and demographic structure were schematized on a map by analyzing the households and populations of each county and prefecture. On the map, the households and populations of Gyeongsangdo in the 15th century were intensively distributed around Gyesugwan, a jurisdiction base area within Gyeongsangdo. However, Sangjumok had an exceptionally small population compared to the households.