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본 연구의 목적은 강증산(姜甑山, 1871~1909) 성사(聖師)의 해원상생(解冤相生)사상에 관한 평화적 가치를 모색하고, 그 현대적 의의를 조명하는 것이다. 증산은 구한말인 1871년 탄강하여 1909년 화천할 때까지 광구천하의 인류대망을 실현하기 위해 천지인 삼계를 근원적으로 혁신하는 천지공사(天地公事, 1901~1909)를 실행한 역사적 대종교가로 관련 종교계와 학계에서는 평가하고 있다. 증산의 주장은 크게 두 가지로 집약할 수 있다. 하나는 낡은 질서의 청산과 새로운 세상의 도래를 예시하는 ‘후천개벽사상’이고, 다른 하나는 인류 구제와 세계평화의 근본원리인 ‘해원상생사상’이다. 여기에서 ‘개벽’은 “적극적 평화에 대한 종교적인 표현”과 다름 아니고, ‘해원상생’은 “전세계의 평화이며 전인류의 화평” 원리이다. 특히, 해원상생은 대순진리회의 종지로서 대순사상의 근간을 이루는 주요사상이며, 증산의 천지공사를 관류하는 요체라 할 수 있다. 오늘날 해원상생은 공존과 상생, 평화를 말하는 담론뿐만 아니라 학술의 장에서도 다양하게 논의되거나 인용되고 있다. 해원상생은 구체적으로 세계갈등, 지역갈등, 문화갈등, 이념갈등, 빈부갈등, 세대갈등, 인종갈등, 종교갈등 등과 같은 세계사적 갈등구조에서부터 현대사회에 노정된 다양한 상극적 구조와 부조화 영역에서 학술적으로 심도 있게 논의되고 있다. 이와 관련한 선행연구를 살펴보면, 주로 인간, 신명, 후천선경, 이상사회, 세계평화 등의 주요한 가치에 천착하고 있으며, 실천윤리, 실천철학, 실천원리, 관계의 조화, 윤리적 이상, 새로운 질서원리, 항구적 평화 등으로 조명되고 있다. 특히 해원상생의 윤리ㆍ철학ㆍ질서ㆍ원리로서의 의의는 인간과 세계에 대한 사랑ㆍ공존ㆍ조화ㆍ평화 등의 의미와 직접적으로 연결되어, 인간ㆍ신명ㆍ후천선경ㆍ이상사회ㆍ세계평화 등에서 그 가치가 발현되는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 그간의 연구를 토대로 증산의 해원상생사상의 계승과 정립에 관한 사상적 연맥을 살펴보고 그 평화적 가치를 검토해봄으로써, 오늘날 해원상생의 원리와 사상이 세계와 인류에 던지는 그 현대적 의의를 모색해보고자 한다.

The aim of this research is to discover the value of peace conveyed by Haewon Sangsaeng, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, as espoused by Holy Teacher Kang Jeungsan (姜甑山 1871~1909) and to evaluate its modern significance. To the faithful, Jeungsan is seen as the Supreme God who descended into the world in the Late Joseon Dynasty in the year 1871. Until the time of His passing away into Heaven in 1909, He vastly saved the world and fulfilled the hopes of humankind by carrying out the fundamentally innovative Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth (1901~1909) in the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. He has thereby been appraised as a great religious figure within religious and academic circles. Jeungsan’s ideological contributions can be summarized into two main points. One is the concept of ‘the Great Opening and the Later World,’ which foreshadowed the liquidation of the old system of order and the arrival of a new world. The other contribution is the concept of ‘the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence,’ a fundamental principle meant to achieve human salvation and world peace. In this context, ‘the Great Opening’ is precisely a ‘positivistic religious expression of peace,’ and ‘the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence’ is the principle by which ‘peace can be achieved in the world for all humankind.’ In particular, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is a tenet within the doctrine of Daesoon Jinrihoe, and it is the main concept that forms the basis of Daesoon Thought. It can be said to be the core current that flows through Jeungsan’s Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth. Nowadays, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is being discussed and cited in various ways in academic fields as well as in discourse on coexistence, mutual beneficence, and peace. The Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is specifically based on observations of the structure of conflicts as observed throughout world history via global conflicts, regional conflicts, cultural conflicts, ideological conflicts, class conflicts, generational conflicts, racial conflicts, religious conflicts, and other such conflicts. That is why the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is discussed in depth within academic settings wherein the nature of conflict-resolution is examined. Looking at the previous studies on this topic, those studies tended to focus on key concepts or concerns such as human beings, divine beings, the earthly paradise of the Later World, ideal societies, world peace, new principles of order, and lasting peace. In particular, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence has been presented as directly related to concepts such as love, coexistence, harmony, and peace for humankind and the world. Its significance has been applied to ethics, philosophy, order, and principles, and it has been understood as conveying values such as peace. Accordingly, this paper examines the ideological connections to the succession and establishment of Jeungsan’s notion of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence based on previous research, but further examines the value of peace communicated via the principles and ideas that pervade current discourse on the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence. I hope to thoroughly explore Haewon Sangsaeng in regards to its modern significance to the world and to humankind.