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이 연구는 시간의 흐름에 따른 대학 졸업 청년의 니트(Not in Employment, Education and Training: NEET)변화 양상을 확인하고 집단 내 상이한 변화 궤적을 추정한 것이다. 분석을 위해집단중심 궤적 모형(Group-Based Trajectory model: GBTM)을 활용하였다. 그 결과 다음의 네가지 유형의 변화궤적을 도출하였다. 첫째, 4년제 대학 졸업 청년의 니트 경험은 서로 다른 네가지 궤적의 양상을 따르는 것으로 확인되었다. i) ‘비니트-니트 변동형’으로 비니트 상태에서 시작하여 니트 상태로 일정 기간 이행했으나 다시 비니트 상태로 변하는 양상이다. ii) ‘비니트 유지형’으로 비니트 상태를 안정적으로 유지하는 유형이다. iii) 니트 상태에서 가장 빠르게 니트를탈출하는 양상을 보이는 ‘빠른 니트 탈출형’이 있었다. iv) 마지막으로 ‘느린 니트 탈출형’은 니트상태에서 비니트 상태로 이동해 가지만 관찰 기간 동안 비니트 상태에 정착하지는 못하였다. 한편, 연구는 변화 궤적간 차이를 설명하는 요인을 찾고자 추가로 다항로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 비니트 유지형을 기준으로 했을 때, 상대적으로 ‘빠른 니트 탈출형’과의 차이가 두드러졌다. 구체적으로 수도권보다 비수도권 지역에 거주하며, 가구 소득이 높을수록, 독립을 하지 않았을수록 빠른 니트 탈출형에 속하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 직업교육 및 훈련 횟수가 적을수록, 취업 사교육 경험이 있을수록, 시험준비를 하는 경우는 빠른 니트 탈출 유형에 속할 확률이 높았다. 반면, 다른 유형에 비해 수도권에 거주하고 아버지 교육수준이 높을수록, 부모에게서 독립했을수록, 직업교육 및 훈련을 많이 받을수록 기준집단인 비니트 유지형에 속할 확률이 높았다.

The purpose of this study was to identify the changes in NEET(Not in Employment, Education, and Training) by focusing on graduates of 4-year universities over a period of time in order to estimate the different trajectories of change in the highly educated youth group. In conducting the research, the concept of NEET was used to discuss issues outside of the youth labor market. In addition, the subjects of the study were selected due to their higher education, which is a large feature of the Korean youth NEET group. To achieve this goal, the researcher analyzed the change in youth NEET using the group-based trajectory model(GBTM). The researcher also conducted a multinomial logistic regression analysis to determine what factors influenced the differences in the types of changes. There were two main conclusions derived from the research results. The first is the ‘Non-NEET - NEET Variance Type’ in which subjects start in the non-NEET state and transition to the NEET state for a period of time before reverting back to the non-NEET state. The second is the ‘Non-NEET Maintenance Type’. This type refers to the stability of the non-NEET state. The third is the ‘Fast NEET Escape Type’, which shows the fastest escape from NEET. The final is the ‘Slow NEET Escape Type’, which indicates directionality from the NEET state to the non-NEET state. However, the ‘Slow NEET Escape Type’ did not experience a stable non-NEET state during the observation period. Through this, different traces of change were identified inside the group of graduates of universities. By categorizing the different types of NEET, the researcher was able to distinguish the changing patterns of youth NEET. Second, this study analyzed the factors affecting the NEET types of young graduates of universities. The results of the study showed that if the ‘Non-NEET Maintenance Type’ youth were not yet independent from their parents and had fathers with lower education levels than their own, the youth were more likely to belong to the ‘Non-NEET - NEET Variance Type’. Subjects belonging to the ‘Fast NEET Escape Type’ were found to live in non-capital areas rather than capital areas, and had a higher household income than the ‘Non-NEET Maintenance Type’. In particular, the lower the amount of vocational education and training and the higher the amount of experience with private education for employment, the higher the probability of the subject being a ‘Fast NEET Escape Type’. If the mother’s level of education was low and the number of vocational education and training was relatively low compared to the other types, there was a high probability of the subject being a ‘Slow NEET Escape type’. In addition, if the subject had a higher household income, job training experience, or was preparing to take a professional exam, they were more likely to be a ‘Slow NEET Escape type’. The theoretical implications derived from this study are meaningful in verifying the relationship between the NEET experience and graduates of universities from the perspective of the categorization of NEET changes and the human capital theory. Policy implications require personalized long-term support in order to intervene in the NEET complications faced by graduates of universities. In addition, institutions and programs for early intervention in youth NEET need to be promoted before students complete their institutional education or training.