초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper recognizes and dissects “Wintry Days” that Kim Jeonhu I (1786-1856) drew to illuminate the values of Fujitsuka Chikashi (1879-1948). Fujitsuka is a professor of Keijō Imperial University, and “Wintry Days” dates back to 1932 to 1944, and I possessed it. On considering a case of 3, a show in 1932, a research paper written in 1936, and the celebration of the 60th birthday in 1939, the following were revealed: 1. was an excellent research material and the story with which 2 can sympathize, and “Wintry Days” was a target of a medium and 3 learning for Fujitsuka. It can be said not a just research material target, but he empathized, and that “Wintry Days” was the special existence with which you can sympathize for Fujitsuka.